預存程序和觸發程序中的回復與認可 - TechNet - Microsoft 可能可以在預存程序或觸發程序內部執行ROLLBACK TRANSACTION 或COMMIT TRANSACTION Transact-SQL 陳述式,但這樣做可能會產生錯誤。
使用包含COMMIT 或ROLLBACK TRANSACTION 的DML 觸發程序 因此,在更新版本中觸發程序內@@TRANCOUNT 傳回的值可能小於在SQL ... 1, 1, '9952', '6/1/95') -- Causes trigger to fire and ROLLBACK TRANSACTION.
ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (Transact-SQL) - TechNet - Microsoft ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statements in triggers terminate the batch containing the statement that fired the trigger; subsequent statements in the batch are not ...
Using Triggers that Include COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION Microsoft SQL Server 2000 increments the transaction count within a statement only when the transaction count is 0 at the start of the statement. In SQL Server ...
sql - Rollback transaction from trigger - Stack Overflow In MS SQL Server 2008 R2, we want a pre-insert and pre-update trigger which checks something and allows or rollbacks (via raiserror ) the ...
sql server - Does a rollback inside a INSERT AFTER or UPDATE ... If a Rollback in the trigger does rollback the entire transaction, is there .... questions tagged sql-server sql-server-2008 tsql sql-server-triggers or ...
sql server - trigger always rollback transaction - Stack Overflow But trigger always rollback transaction with message such .... Browse other questions tagged sql-server tsql or ask your own question.
ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (Transact-SQL) - MSDN - Microsoft 將明確或隱含的交易回復到交易的開頭,或回復到交易內的儲存點。 您可以使用 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION 清除交易開始之後的所有資料修改,或清除儲存點 之前的 ...
COMMIT and ROLLBACK TRANSACTION in Triggers 29 Jun 2012 ... Microsoft SQL Server Knowledge Bank ... Where I am using a ROLLBACK TRAN in a trigger (INSTEAD OF DELETE trigger), he had a question ...
Rollback transaction in a trigger : Trigger « Trigger « SQL Server / T ... Rollback transaction in a trigger : Trigger « Trigger « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial.